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What is Zakat? The Best Time to Give Zakat in Ramadan 2025

What is Zakat? The Best Time to Give Zakat in Ramadan 2025

Dubai: For Muslims around the world, Ramadan is a much revered and blessed month. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam that Muslims highly regard. Muslims fast for 29 to 30 days depending on the lunar calendar each year.

Ramadan is regarded as a very special month as the first verses of the Holy Quran were revealed by God during this time. Ramadan is a time for self-contemplation, spiritual gains and reconnecting with the Almighty.

Muslims all around the world try to make the most of this month by taking part in regular and congregational prayers, reading the Quran, forgiving people, being kind to others and giving charity, i.e. Zakat.

What is Zakat?

Zakat is a vital part of completing a Muslim individual’s faith as it is the third pillar of Islam. Zakat basically means charity or welfare contribution to the poor and needy. For every sane and mature Muslim who has an economic activity leading to the net increase in his/her wealth, Zakat payment is mandatory. Cleansing one’s wealth by contributing 2.5% of assets and income to the poor is an important aspect of worship to Islam.

What is the purpose of Zakat?

Zakat seeks to increase faith and devotion to God. It also serves as a net of social security for the poor and to uplift and support the entire community. Zakat helps keep the economy running by freeing people from burden and providing them with an opportunity to fulfil their potential. The act of giving Zakat not only cleanses the contributor’s property but also the heart from selfishness and greed. When undertaken in a proper way, Zakat has long term effects on the condition of the entire Muslim community.

Do you have to pay Zakat in Ramadan?

Most Muslims choose to offer Zakat in Ramadan due to higher spiritual rewards in the holy month, but it is not necessary. Zakat should be paid once every year. The day a Muslim becomes the owner of minimum wealth that makes Zakat payable, they must calculate and pay the amount in the period of exactly one lunar year from this day. As Zakat is a responsibility, it is not permitted to delay payment when due.

How to give Zakat in Ramadan?

One can easily continue giving Zakat as per the lunar year calculations, even in Ramadan. In addition to putting aside a portion of wealth for Zakat to be paid annually, it is also compulsory to give Zakat al Fitr which is food or money on behalf of fasting people. The food or money is equivalent to one day’s meals for one fasting person. On behalf of every individual in the family, the head of the family pays this amount. Zakat al Fitr must be paid during the end of Ramadan but before the Eid prayer.

How to calculate Zakat?

After a full lunar year, it is mandatory to pay 2.5% of the wealth you own. Zakat needs to be paid on many kinds of wealth. It includes gold, silver, any ornaments containing 50% or more of gold or silver, cash in the bank or at home, property, bonds and pensions, land (other than where one resides) and money leased to others.

What is the significance of Gifting in Ramadan?

Ramadan is the month of giving, and while charity and donations to the poor come first, it is also a good idea to give gifts to family and friends. There are many historic accounts of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) exchanging gifts of perfume, clothes and livestock with near and dear ones. One of the most common gifts that was given was food, and therefore it has become a strong tradition in Muslim culture. Instead of opting for sugar-laden sweet treats, dates make for an excellent gifting choice during Ramadan as it is customary for Muslims to break the fast with dates and water. Dates replenish the body with minerals, healthy carbs and vitamins. The fructose content found in dates provides an instant energy boost.

How are Bateel dates different?

Being 100% organic, Bateel dates are a rich source of fibre, potassium and calcium, which help keep the body healthy. These premium gourmet dates are grown in an optimal environment in a fertile oasis in Saudi Arabia. The historic green valleys of the Tuwayq Mountains in the Al Ghat region provide a unique terrain for the cultivation of dates, lending an inimitable taste to every Bateel date. A gift box full of Bateel’s premium plain, filled or assorted dates will be highly appreciated by friends, family or colleagues.

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